A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Check out my new game Neyasnoe

A game about stucking in a routine.


If you play his game in hope to win, you will end up with an irritating feeling inside of you. Nothing else. But if you stop and take a breath of air, then you might like it.

делою игру

Just look around, listen to the songs, gaze at green leaves and do not hurry.


Song list is here:

Additional controls (version 1.0.3):

F1 — show/hide help

F2 — show/hide crosshair

F3 — flight mode

F5-F6 — adjust time scale (slower/faster)

F7-F8 — adjust mouse sensitivity (less/more)

F9 — take screenshot (high resolution)

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(198 total ratings)
Made withUnity, Blender, Audacity
Tags3D, Atmospheric, Dreams, Exploration, First-Person, Low-poly, Physics, Queer, Singleplayer, Walking simulator
Average sessionA few hours
LanguagesEnglish, Russian
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Routine Feat Win 1.0.12.zip 289 MB
Routine Feat macOS 1.0.12.app.zip 299 MB
Routine Feat Linux 1.0.12.zip 301 MB

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Still my biggest inspiration to date! What an atmosphere.

still doesn't work for Mac for some reason :( any tips

Mesmerizing. This reminded me of a certain place, every scene was almost the same and it was good to relive it. Thank you for making this game! <3

Раз в несколько лет я возвращаюсь к этой игре, испытывая всё ту же смесь умиротворения и тревоги, прекрасно разделяя экзистенциальный кризис главного героя.

Надеюсь, после публикации первой книги он научится наслаждаться не только снами, но и жизнью.

P.S: Музыка в игре просто потрясающая. Восхищаюсь вашим талантом и вложенными усилиями.


Игра просто изумительна - мне в ней понравилась всё;
Сюжет на первый взгляд отсутствует, но по мере прохождения и изучения мира, попадая в сны, работая и создавая книгу, ты понимаешь что у игры есть сюжет и он довольно резонный. Игра очень красивая, отличная графика, знакомая, приятная и уютная атмосфера - разработчик уделил своё внимание всему! Очень понравился вид текстур, они пиксельные, но не такие как в других играх, также очень полюбил окна в этой игре, аж поставил их себе как обои на рабочий стол. Я обычно не пишу такие длинные отзывы про игру, но это исключение - ведь это шедевр.


игра выглядит очень приятно, но мне супер мешает повышенная чувствительность вращения мыши :( 


nice game. the athmospear is great i love it


Beauty of Monotony


GREAT GAME DEVELOPER, KEEP CREATING. The game was oddly creepy with the atmosphere being so quiet but beautiful nonetheless.

Good evening.

I wanted to say that i really like this game, it has given me a lot of inspiration and helped me loosen up a little. It gave me a sense of carelessness and freedom that like few things can, nowadays. Only thing is that my pc may have almost caught fire while running it, so i was wondering if you were going to add any graphics settings (Resolution, Shading, Render distance, Texture quality, etc.).

If my budget surpasses the customary five cents a month, i may get a decent pc and explore this game better, but i doubt it will any time soon. Until then, not much i can do exept wait and see.

Also, good luck on your future projects, you won't need it i'm sure.

fire dam

Deleted post

on the third day i was on the bus and um. it crashed, the bus was crashed.


i'm unable to launch this on mac. unfortunate, because it looks amazing! is there anyway to fix this? i can launch the game but after a few seconds, it automatically closes


Sad3d, when I get the money, I will buy this game on steam, along with Neyasnoe.

AMAZING. Just AMAZING. Best Game Ever. Sad3d deserves a gold medal for this game. 10/10

Bro this Game is insane !

Yeah it is!


say what you will about living in russia, but you guys have amazing plumbing (i flushed the typewriter down the toilet)

I can't run the Mac version!! Looking forward to play this, Thank you


will it work on 4gb ram lap?


i cannot open the mac version and it tries to open the game on steam before shutting off and saying "no license"

Thank you for making this. You are great <3  (only the real gamers get the ,good, ending)

So, weird thing, when I try to open the game it starts and shows the opening credits, but then the game closes and it opens my Steam app and tries to open it there. Not sure what's going on.


I really enjoyed this. The whole theme of it, with the pages and the atmosphere were really nice and many of the pages were quite relatable. I'm glad I found this one. 

I noticed only now that there's a paid version of Routine feat on Steam. The page showed nighttime images and some things that I didn't see here. What different at the paid version compared to this one?


Paid version is just a way to support me

(2 edits) (+1)

This is... really immersive. It's fascinating how much this little game is immerssive.

This game really inspires me.

(3 edits) (+2)

really good and relaxing game, i had fun throwing garbage into neighbour's window


me too

can someone please fix this for me because i cant even open the game. i've tried re-installing it. but still doesn't work. wish i could play this game the reviews make it seem really fun!

(1 edit) (+3)


This was quite possibly the most beautiful, melancholy game I've ever played, I really enjoyed all the little details within, like slicing the bread, smashing glass bottles, throwing stuff out the window, etc. Eggshells and plates get charred if you put them on the open stove!! The graphics are beautiful and every tiny object is programmed to act the way it would in real life. Even the paragraphs in every book and sheet of paper are better than anything I could ever write. The dreams were even more surreal and transported me to a different world. So far I've done one test run by following all the rules until I got the book published; then I broke habit by venturing into the other neighborhood to see a party, essentially noclipped into a liminal space, and was forced to quit. I already have a whole list of weird things I'm going to try next time I play: I'm going to skip work. I'm going to take the bus at night. I'm going to stay outside overnight. I'm going to throw a knife out the window. I'm going to knock incessantly on my neighbors' doors. I'm going to walk to work.

I just know there are many more easter eggs and hidden endings to this game than I think. I can't wait to find them all!

EDIT: who the heck is living like this:

EDIT 2: I broke into somebody's house and now I'm stuck in here :(

The consequences of drinking all the alcohol on the roof and going for nighttime adventure.

Как включить в этой игре верт. синхронизацию, и есть ли она вообще?

я запустил ради прикола ещё раз (мак) завис выключил мак. И при загрузке он выдал мне...

sad3d здравствуй! я обожаю ШХД-Зима! Не так давно я узнал о ШХД-Лето (Рутин Фит) но есть проблемка... Я тот самый геймер на МАК. когда захожу игру весь экран после забора превращается в месиво! а когда захожу в игру... ТАМ ТАКИЕ АРТИФАКТЫ - СРАЗУ ЗАВИСАЕТ. Хотел би сыграть да вот( Проблема с графикой вообщем на маке. Исправь пожажя            --для обновы я бы добавил древний комп на стол при включение показал бы синий экран


(2 edits) (+1)

Отличная интерактивная прогулка! Очень понравился стиль создания окружения, особенно деревьев, который при всём минимализме и экономии средств выглядит действительно выразительно и реалистично. Из пожеланий к управлению: во-первых, никогда не стоит заставлять игрока крутить колёсико при зажатой левой клавише мыши (и вообще, лучше бы поднятые предметы сразу были раза в два-три ближе к игроку).  Во-вторых, при прочтении бумажек и подобных действиях сделать либо закрытие по той же "E", так как к Escape тянуться неудобно, либо чтобы курсор  мыши уже был на кнопке Continue, потому что нет смысла заставлять каждый раз игрока тянуть его от центра экрана.

Привёл комнату в более уютно-привычный вид :)

Спасибо за фидбек! Мысли полезные, обязательно учту в новом проекте :)

It's a great game, I really enjoyed playing it bcs it's so nostalgic and overall nice. Also I like the graphics and the fact that I can interact with most of the items, I really love it!!! lots of love and looking forward to the rest of your games<3

  1. 我喜欢这种风格

i miss npcs in this game

very nostalgic


the game doesnt open (I have macOS 12.3.1)


Same problem here!!

try this

chmod +x <download path>/Routine\ Feat\ macOS\ 1.0.12.app/Contents/MacOS/Routine\ Feat

(1 edit)

Tried this and now getting "Routine Feat macOS 1.0.12 is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin." Computer says no :)

same problem...

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